Chakra and Aura Clearing Intensive

Saturday October 12, 2024
1-3pm PDT

Even after twenty years of teaching yoga, I find it essential to practice the basics of chakra clearing and protection every day.

Seeing clients and facilitating groups, or simply going to the grocery store, feels like I can use a boost in my energy system.

This intensive will go over techniques on how to clear your auric field and how to keep it protected. There will be ample time to practice so it becomes second nature to you.

  • Explore techniques to clear your auric field.
  • Learn about powerful frequencies that can keep you protected.
  • Go to bed with angels surrounding you.

About the instructor

Vasotara has been certified in Pleiadian Lightwork since 2013. She supports clients in transformational life changes and certifies practitioners. Vasotara also holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, numerous certifications in Yoga, Meditation, Somatic and Transformational Coaching and 5Rhythms Movement. She has been mentoring and teaching internationally since over 20 years. Vasotara resides on Kauai, HI.

Free Conversation

Have a free conversation with Vasotara about the course and if it’s a fit for you.

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What is the Intensive About

In this Intensive you will

  • Learn tools to clear your aura
  • Find ways to protect yourself in energy
  • Discuss how entities can enter your field and how to avoid it

A good way is to clear and protect your auric field before going to bed. It is good practice, like brushing your teeth, to clear off all unwanted energies you might have walked through during the day. It can help you to have less nightmares.

I do my auric clearing practice in the morning, throughout the day and before going to bed. I like to be in my own energy field. It is like washing my hands. It has become second nature to do so.

It is also a great practice, learning to do so for your children.

We also do a clearing sweep through your chakra system.

You will learn basic tools you can use at home.

I find they are also a great preparation for a peaceful sleep.


Investment $60

If you like to receive the training one-on-one or together with a friend, please contact Vasotara,

Code of Ethics

Please view our code of ethics for practitioners.

Terms and Conditions

Please view our terms and conditions for course registration.