A training based on Pleiadian Lightwork
Learn Tools to Embody Your Higher Self!
Transformational Program and Practitioner Training
Multi-Dimensional (Full Sensory Perception – FSP) Immersion is based on Amorah Quan Yin’s Pleiadian Lightwork training. It is a program for accelerating your spiritual growth and fulfillment. It is open to everyone who seeks to live in alignment with their Higher Self and to be in the consciousness of Oneness. MDP is the beginning program for everyone wanting to align with spirit and learn how to set and clear space.
There are three levels to the courses, each of which can vary from 10 to 12 weeks in total length (depending on the number and preparation of participants). You can enroll for each level one-at-a-time and progress at your own pace or do them in sequence within one year. (Level 1 & 2 are prerequisites to the Pleiadian Lightwork Intensive trainings.)
In this course you learn to open your multi-dimensional perceptions of clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and channeling healing energy. It is a path toward wholeness, Oneness, and becoming consciously responsible for aligning with spirit and maintaining a connection with Source. You are supported to learn self-help tools for releasing ego-identity and clearing what holds you back on your path towards Oneness. Class sessions include group meditations, spiritual teachings, and supervised healing work conducted in pairs.
Private 1:1 sessions are highly recommended to accompany the training. For those wanting to be certified, a 10-hour supervision program on “real” clients is mandatory.
This course is for those seeking deep personal healing and clearing. It can be an experience that redirects your life toward your spiritual fulfillment and living in integrity. It is also for those interested in learning the healing skills needed in order to be a healing practitioner or teacher.
See detailed modules below.
Apply and receive a free discovery conversation to find out if this training is a good fit for you
About the instructor
Vasotara got certified as a practitioner in Pleiadian Lightwork in 2010 and authorised as a teacher in 2015. She has been a yoga instructor and mentor since 2002, teaching students and teachers in training internationally. She holds a Ph.D. in Psychology with research in exceptional states of consciousness. She resides on Kauai, HI.

Next Course:
Start October 19th/20th
7 weeks till Nov 30th/Dec 1.
(We might skip weekend of Nov 9th/10th)
Saturday and Sundays, 5 hours each. 10 modules.
This is a small group intensive. Total hours depend on actual group size.
Private clearing sessions and light transmissions are available to accompany the course.