Lightbody Circuitry Opening & Activation
Enjoy a process towards your Higher Self embodiment.
Pleiadian Lightwork
Pleiadian Lightwork is the name given to the healing, spiritual activation, and ascension techniques which are part of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School.
This mystery school system is essentially the resurrection and con-temporization of the ancient Lemurian, Atlantean, and Egyptian systems. Its chief purpose is that of assisting in bringing about the second coming of Christ en masse, when a minimum of 144,000 humans attain to Christ consciousness on Earth.
This will trigger an enlightenment wave through the Earth and all her people, and planetary ascension. The time of the great planetary spiritual awakening is now. By learning to live impeccably, anchoring Higher Self in our bodies, restoring our souls, and aligning multidimensionally with the Great Central Sun, the Source of All That Is, we shall be victorious! (quoted from Amorah Quan Yin’s Web Site)
KA Channels
KA may be described as the electrical, light-body circuitry that exists identically and simultaneously in the third through sixth dimensions and that ultimately functions in all those dimensions to anchor and contain your Christed Presence in form. It is the interface between spirit, dimension and form that allows us to move through dimensions in our highest evolved “physical” form.
For a more detailed explanation please see The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka by Amorah Quan Yin.
There is a series of 16 pairs of Ka channels that I will focus on to bring your own Ka energy into them to activate them as fully as possible. This involves a “hands on” clearing and activation procedure that takes approximately 15 hours to open all the channels gracefully. This is a very beautiful and intimate process as density is released and more and more of your Higher Self energy begins to flow through your physical body. Other hands on energy work may be called for and utilized during this process.
Commit to your awakening!
The KA Channel Opening will bring you into more wholeness with yourself.
This is a hands-on program (remote sessions with “energy hands” available) that can be completed within 15 sessions depending on your preparedness. Personalized chakra clearing might be needed before approaching the KA Channel Opening.
Please inquire for in-person sessions in Ashland, OR and Nevada City, CA as well as Mount Shasta, CA and Kauai, HI. Sessions via phone and energy transmission are available.
Learn more about KA Channel Opening now.
Please contact Vasotara directly for the possibility of receiving these special sessions. After acceptance you will receive an invoice. Once your payment is processed you will receive a confirmation email with a request to complete the personal information form for your session series. Vasotara will then contact you to schedule a time.
Investment $3000 for all 16 KA channels activation in person ($2600 for remote activation). Number of sessions depends on your preparedness. This includes personalized coaching during the sessions.