Entries by Vasotara

Becoming Love

Today, I want to share my personal experience of merging into Divine Mother Embodiment—a cosmic force of unconditional love that transcends the personal self. I also want to explore how this embodiment intertwines with the frequency of Christed Consciousness, and how both energies guide us toward the transformative process of becoming Supreme Consciousness and Unconditional Love. What is […]


Embrace the Light

Embrace the Light: A Journey Through Meditation and Dreamwork As the light of higher consciousness begins to dawn within us, it illuminates every corner of our being, revealing layers of thoughts, emotions, and energies that no longer serve us. This profound cleansing is essential for fully embodying our higher Self and the Christ consciousness—cosmic unconditional […]

Benefits of Meditation

Transformative Benefits of Meditation The Transformative Benefits of Meditation: A Personal Journey and 30 Years of Experience I remembered a nightmare from a few years ago that had shook me to my core. In the dream, I was robbed and confronted with a simple yet powerful message: “Sit. Be still!” It was frightening enough to […]